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Students will be expected to have working computer systems with appropriate internet access so as to fully participate in the training exercises. Upon registration, students will be shipped a course kit which will include a variety of electronic, mechanical and mechatronic components. That kit will be used for the practicum and training exercises in the course. Any software not included in the study kit would be normally available commercially or as open-source software.


The modules offered in this program are as follows:

Module 0: Introduction To Mechatronics, Robotics, Automation & Control

This is a foundational module that introduces students to the field of mechatronics by providing ample - and ubiquitous - examples of mechatronics in everyday life. This introductory module will also explore self-driving cars, remote-piloted drones, remote-controlled (toy) cars, robotic vacuum cleaners and a host of  evolving developments in the broader society that are highly dependent on mechatronics. The ever-expanding role of robotics in industrial, medical and environmental applications is also introduced, against a backdrop of the automation and control systems that make such applications possible. There will also be discussion of the various kinds of sensors that form the underpinnings of these systems.

Module I: Introduction To Data Acquisition

This module is designed to get the participants familiar with the concept of data and data acquisition. The goal is for students to gain an appreciation for how data can be acquired, evaluated and converted into “actionable information” about the operating state of a process or operation. It gives a broad overview of different approaches to data acquisition and provides hands-on practical examples of data acquisition in action. Specific examples and practical issues relating to data acquisition shall be addressed.

The module will also introduce the most common programming languages and platforms that have traditionally been used for data acquisition. The discussion will explore the underlying benefits—and limitations—of various languages and platforms that have gained dominance in various industries and application domains.
Participants are expected to contribute ideas and personal experiences (from everyday life) as it relates to data acquisition. At the end of this module, students should be able to identify opportunities for, and instances of, data acquisition in everyday life.
Module II: Introduction To Process Control

In this module, we introduce the basics of process control, and we guide participants toward an appreciation of  the essential attributes of a process control operation. The module also introduces the most common types of controllers (from simple proportional to more complex PID controllers) and how their applications vary in real-life.

The goal is for students to understand the basic concepts  that underpin the design of a process control system. A particular focus will be on identifying process controllers that are used in industrial systems and how those could be improved or modified to meet evolving everyday needs.

Module III: Introduction To Automation

Here we introduce the basics of automation with aim of providing a framework for understanding how automation works, and the distinct role of analog and digital devices  in an automation project. Various types of A-D and D-A interfaces shall be introduced in this module, at the end of which students should be able to identify the basic elements needed to achieve a given automation outcome. 

The module shall also address the various degrees of autonomy inherent in an automation project, with a guided discussion of the cost-benefit tradeoffs that have to be made in virtually any automation project.

Module IV: Introductory Practicum: Wiring, Connecting & Powering - Basic Mechatronics

Most people have never had the opportunity to “go under the hood” to understand how electrical technology, mechanical systems, and computer systems tie together to create real-world outcomes. Mechatronics is the formal name for the field that incorporates all these disparate fields into one cohesive discipline that makes many things we rely on in everyday life. In this module, students will be formally - and practically - introduced to mechatronics and its ever-expanding array of field of application.

Every student will be guided to build their first hands-on mechatronic application using the items in the course kit shipped to students upon registration for the course. Students will be able to build an application and appreciate how a concept can be translated from a starting idea to a working mechatronic device in their homes. As part of this module, students will learn simple wiring techniques using breadboards and other commonly available components.


Module V: Microsoft Excel: Much More Than Meets The Eye (Literally)

The course assumes that students have some familiarity with, but not mastery of, EXCEL®. This module will provide students with a grounder in many of the features of Excel and how those features can be used for a variety of applications beyond the typical tabulations and computations than most people are familiar with. Even those who have good facility with Excel® could benefit from this refresher which will introduce the use of Excel® as a control and automation platform.

 Module VI: Introduction to DAQ2GO®

DAQ2GO® is a data acquisition and automation application developed by Dr. Scot Abbott using Microsoft Excel® as the programming platform. In this core module, students will be introduction to DAQ2GO®  and will work through practical examples of how the application works. Students will be expected to develop “mini-applications” as part of this introductory module.

Module VII: Practicum: Instrumentation & Applications Development For Process Automation

Here students will explore instances and applications of automation and control specifically for process automation. The focus of the practicum will be on “learning by doing”. Practical examples of real-life applications will be explored and discussed so that students gain first-hand experience with applications for process automation. Each student will be required to complete a mini-project as part of this practicum.

Module VIII: Practicum: Instrumentation & Applications Development For Industrial Process Control    

In this module, students will explore instances and applications of automation and control specifically for process control. The focus of the practicum will be on learning by doing. Practical examples of real-life applications will be explored and dissected so that students gain first-hand experience with applications for process control. Each student will be required to complete a mini-project as part of this practicum.

Module IX: Practicum: Instrumentation & Applications Development For Robotics    

In this practicum, students will explore applications  for robotics. Practical examples of real-life applications will be explored and dissected so that students gain first-hand experience with applications for robotics. Each student will be required to complete a mini-project as part of this practicum.

Module X: Capstone Project
This is the culmination of the learning experience. Prior to this, students would have identified and selected projects (or project areas) that would be of the most interest and benefit beyond the training experience. The capstone project will require students to develop an actual application that would be presented and shared with the cohort. This project will be the final deliverable in the training experience.